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通发娱乐官网下载: 郭奕旻







主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,中央高校基本通发娱乐官网下载业务青年教师创新项目1项,参与国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金项目等7项,以第一作者/通信作者身份在国内外计算机权威期刊IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security、IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing、IEEE Transactions on Services Computing、IEEE Internet of Things Journal、计算机学报、电子学报、Chinese Journal of Electronics(电子学报英文版)、Computer Networks、IEEE Systems Journal、Computers & Security等上发表学术论文十余篇,并担任多个国内外权威期刊的审稿人。



[15] Guo Yimin*, Guo Yajun, Xiong Ping, Yang Fan, Zhang Chengde. Deeper insight into why authentication schemes in IoT environments fail to achieve the desired security[J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 2024, 19, 4615-4627. (SCI, CCF A)

[14] Guo Yimin*, Zhang Zhenfeng, Guo Yajun, Xiong Ping. BSRA: Blockchain-Based Secure Remote Authentication Scheme for the Fog-Enabled Internet of Things[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024, 11(2): 3348-3361. (SCI, 中科院一区)

[13] Guo Yimin*, Guo Yajun. CS-LAKA: A lightweight authenticated key agreement protocol with critical security properties for IoT environments[J]. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2023, 16(6), 4102-4114. (SCI, CCF A)

[12] 郭奕旻*, 张振峰, 熊平, 郭亚军. 基于PUF的轻量级雾辅助物联网认证协议[J]. 计算机学报,2022,45(07):1412-1430. (CCF中文A)

[11] Guo Yimin*, Zhang Zhenfeng, Guo Yajun. Anonymous authenticated key agreement and group proof protocol for wearable computing. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2022, 21(8): 2718-2731. (SCI,CCF A)

[10] Guo Yimin*, Zhang Zhenfeng, and Guo Yajun. SecFHome: Secure remote authentication in fog-enabled smart home environment. Computer Networks, 2022, 207: 108818. (SCI, CCF B)

[9] Guo Yimin*, Zhang Zhenfeng, Guo Yajun. Fog-centric authenticated key agreement scheme without trusted parties.  IEEE Systems Journal, 2021, 15(4): 5057-5066. (SCI二区)

[8] Guo Yimin*, Guo Yajun. FogHA: An efficient handover authentication for mobile devices in fog computing. Computers & Security, 2021: 102358. (SCI, CCF B)

[7] Guo Yimin*, Zhang Zhenfeng, Guo Yajun. Superword: A honeyword system for achieving higher security goals. Computers & Security, 2021, 103: 101689. (SCI, CCF B)

[6] Guo Yimin*, Zhang Zhenfeng, Guo Yajun, Guo Xiaowei. Nudging personalized password policies by understanding users’ personality. Computers & Security, 2020, 94: 101801. (SCI, CCF B)

[5] Guo Yimin*, Zhang Zhenfeng, Guo Yajun. Optiwords: A new password policy for creating memorable and strong passwords. Computers & Security, 2019, 85: 423-435. (SCI, CCF B)

[4] Guo Yimin*, Zhang Zhenfeng. LPSE: lightweight password-strength estimation for password meters. Computers & Security, 2018, 73: 507-518. (SCI, CCF B)

[3] 郭奕旻, 周素芳, 窦家维, 李顺东, 王道顺. 高效的区间保密计算及应用. 计算机学报, 2017 (7): 1664-1679. (CCF中文A)

[2] Li Shundong, Guo Yimin, Zhou Sufang, Dou Jiawei, Wang Daoshun. Efficient Protocols for the General Millionaires’ Problem. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2017, 26(4): 696-702. (SCI, 电子学报英文版)

[1] 郭奕旻*, 李顺东, 陈振华, 刘新. 一种轻量级隐私保护的RFID群组证明协议. 电子学报, 2015, 43(2): 289-292. (CCF中文A)



2023-2026年 文澜青年学者

2024 获中南财经政法大学第十届青年教师讲课竞赛三等奖

2021 获中南财经政法大学第十届青年教师讲课竞赛三等奖

2018年  获陕西省高等学校科学技术二等奖 (排名第四)



2024年  指导本科生获得第十七届中国大学生计算机设计大赛全国三等奖,中南赛区一等奖

2024年  指导本科生获得第三十届博文杯大学生百项实证创新基金项目并获校级一、二、三等奖

2023年  指导本科生获得第三十届博文杯大学生百项实证创新基金项目并获校级一等奖

2022 指导本科生获得第三十四届博文杯大学生百项实证创新基金项目并成功结项

2021 指导本科生获得第三十三届博文杯大学生百项实证创新基金项目并成功结项






2020.07-至今    中南财经政法大学通发娱乐官网下载与安全工程通发娱乐官网下载,副教授,硕士生导师

2016.09-2020.07  中国科通发娱乐官网下载软件研究所,计算机应用技术专业,工学博士
